
Horny Goat Weed – it’s more than you think!

       Horny goat weed. To some it is considered a weed, like most green things that grow taller than three inches, hence the name, but the horny goat part? An ancient Chinese story tells that the male goats who ate this herb regularly, had greater sexual prowess – in other words, skill or expertise in this particular field…

Maybe you were thinking along these same lines after all. It does enhance sexual health, yet it also does us further service by naturally treating bone and kidney disease. In the botanical realm it is found in the genus of Epimedium, though the common names run the gauntlet from “barrenwort” to “fairy wings,” and from “bishop’s hat” to “yin yang hou.”

Like raw pine pollen powder, horny goat weed improves and enhances sexual health in men by greatly increasing testosterone levels. This is extremely important because low testosterone has a significant impact on overall health.

Horny goat weed and low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels are often associated with reduced sexual desire, but it affects much more than that. In the process of restoring our vibrant health we need to look at the entire body, and we must realize that symptoms are often overarching and abundant. In the case of lowered testosterone, we are also dealing with insomnia, sleep apnea, risk of diabetes, heart disease, reduced muscle mass, increased body fat and in severe cases, even depression.

Improving testosterone levels helps men feel like men again. There are so many choices/remedies to do it naturally, that it only makes sense to eat well, exercise enough, get plenty of sleep and avoid toxic chemicals. Being and becoming healthy is all about making long-term changes to your diet and lifestyle, but fortunately, once you (re)gain your health, you’ll feel compelled to continue to opt for the health-promoting natural route.

Western medicine tries to treat the symptoms that cause us pain and suffering. Natural healing on the other hand attempts to discover the cause of the symptoms and find a suitable treatment from there.

Dealing with herbs is complex business, always find the most reputable seller, using only the purest ingredients, whether you are taking your supplement in tea, tincture or capsule form.

Icariin is the active component found in horny goat weed – a prenylated flavonoid. In essence, an antioxidant with anti-aging characteristics.

Horny goat weed is not only for men

Women can enjoy the benefits of this herb too. Elevated testosterone levels help in preventing bone loss, which is great news if you are diagnosed with, or at risk for, osteoporosis. It also increases estrogen levels in post-menopausal women by the means of phytoestrogens. It is a wonderful way to naturally deal with symptoms of hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and insomnia associated with menopause. Keep in mind that horny goat weed is not recommended while pregnant or nursing.

Horny goat weed can not only be used to treat erectile dysfunction in men, in women it helps correct vaginal dryness – and, of course, it boosts the libido of both sexes.

As a side bonus, horny goat weed is also being explored for its anti-inflammatory powers, as well as the ability to aid memory, improve brain health and prevent dementia. If you are considering any natural aphrodisiac, let horny goat weed take the stage, increased muscle, bone strength and all!


Cheryl Magyar
