
Juicing is Back… Again!

You know they say good trends always make a come back and at home juicing is no exception. That’s not to say that some people haven’t made home juicing a part of their daily routine between trends, but for the most part it’s a diet that comes and goes.

But are the benefits of juicing substantial enough to keep it around forever?


Juicing vs. Chewing


Is buying a juicer and the juicing process really that much better for you than just eating them whole?

Juicing cannot magically add more nutrients to your produce (Spoiler Alert). In fact, some even say that   juicing loses nutrients because it takes out those fibrous yet nutrient rich parts of our favorite super veggies. But it can help create a more enjoyable way of getting your greens. And it will take more preparation and time than just eating the produce whole.

I think one of the main draws of juicing, and one of its main benefits, is the amount of fruits and veggies you can fit in just one juice. You can reap the benefits from many different produce items at the same time, easily, without having to chew and eat them all.

So if you know you’re not the type of person to eat all of your recommended greens in/with your daily meals, then juicing could indeed be for you!

Just keep in mind that juicing is usually the more expensive option —due to buying the equipment and the amount of produce you will go through. Not to mention cleaning your juicer after each use (just saying).

But if you are interested in exploring juicing more, check out this list of veggies to try when you get started.


Best Vegetables for Juicing & Their Health Benefits


  1. Celery
    1. Celery is full of Vitamins K, A, and C as well as folate and potassium. Making it great for your immune system, healthy vision, bones, skin and even blood. It’s also 95% water, which makes it great for juicing!


  1. Cucumber
    1. Also at 95% water, Cucumbers make a great hydrating base for a juice! Potassium helps to reduce stroke risk. Also containing, Vitamin C, antioxidants and beta-carotene, cucumbers can improve skin, helping you look younger!


  1. Carrot
    1. Carrots are great to add flavor and color to your juice. They contain tons of vitamins like Vitamin A, C, and K. But also many essential minerals like potassium and iron. They can give your immune system a boost while also lowering blood pressure. Not to mention vision health!


  1. Spinach
    1. Juicing spinach makes is easier to take, I think, and it helps get that healthy green color! But spinach is also full of Vitamins A, C and E and minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. It is great for brain function and even contains some protein.


  1. Sweet Potato
    1. This is new to me! But sweet potatoes are great for adding sweetness to your juice without tons of fruit. They allow for added sweetness without sugar spikes in the body. They contain Vitamins A, C, B6 and minerals such as iron and magnesium.


Bottom Line

I find it very appealing to simply drink one juice with all my greens for the day in it. But it’s not something I can see myself prepping every single day.

I don’t think I will adopt this trend temporarily or permanently, simply because it seems like more work and money than it’s probably worth. But regardless of whether you juice or chew the old fashioned way the trend is the same, MORE GREENS!


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Paige Peterson

Body Masks!

So at this point we have talked about masks for your hair, face and neck…but, believe it or not, you can actually mask other parts of your body too!

Similar to face-masks, body-masks can be used to detoxify, hydrate, refine and stimulate the skin. And surprisingly there are many different mask formulations for different skin types and goals!

Some masks can be used on both face and body, but the skin on your body is going to have different needs and sensitivities than your face. So in my opinion it’s best to have options for both, and luckily there are plenty to choose from!

So what kind of body masks are there and which one should you pick?



5 Most Common Body Masks


1. Hydrating

  • This time of year (winter) hydration is my biggest concern! This type of mask is usually a mud or cream consistency and will require you to apply and then rinse it off when finished. They typically contain fatty acids & antioxidants to help protect the skin while also containing properties to promote healthy and nourished skin.
  • Recommended for: Dry Skin



2. Brightening

  • Also usually found in a mud or cream form a brightening mask usually contains citrus extract of some kind for its brightening effects. These masks are also filled with antioxidants to help nourish the skin while reducing inflammation and dark spots.
  • Recommended for: Aging Skin, Dark Spots


3. Exfoliating

  • These types of masks can have many different formulations. Usually a thicker mud like formula that contains exfoliating beads or another abrasive agent. Best for removing dead skin cells and deep cleaning. If you have sensitive skin choose a less abrasive mask then work your way up as needed.
  • Recommended for: Dry/Flaky skin


4. Detoxifying

  • Charcoal is great for detoxifying your hair, face, and (you guessed it) your body too! A charcoal infused mud mask is great for getting gunk out of your pores and helping you feel squeaky clean. Many even have a cooling effect making it very refreshing! Great for after sweaty workouts!
  • Recommended for: Congested Skin, Clogged Pores


5. Tanning

  • This is new to me, but if you have ever used an at home tanning mousse, it’s the same process. You’ll apply the tanning body mask and leave it on for the allotted time or with some you can sleep in it like self-tanner. The body mask will gradually give your skin a tanned glow, but it also contains many nourishing and soothing ingredients that are improving your skin at the same time.
  • Recommended for: All Skin types


Bottom Line

As an at home self-tanner I have used heavy moisturizers and body exfoliators before but never a mask. I have never even considered applying a mask to my arms, legs, stomach or back and shoulders but I can see how they could be beneficial.

Unfortunately, creating DIY body-masks are more difficult than face-masks because certain ingredients like clay and algae are expensive and can be hard to find. So store bought masks are probably the way to go for at home users. And if you’re attempting to mask your back you may need a buddy to help you out!

I most likely won’t do body masks weekly or even monthly but I can see myself utilizing them when I want my skin to looks its best!





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Paige Peterson

It’s All About the Face

Now that we have established that hair masks are best used as a deep conditioning treatment and can’t do miracles… are at-home-face-masks effective and which one’s should you buy?

As someone with combination skin (oily T-zone & normal/dry perimeter), sensitive skin (my skin irritates easily with fragrances etc.) AND acne prone skin…(takes breath), I am constantly on the search for products that will keep my skin balanced and won’t break me out.


I know, I hit the jackpot!


But in all seriousness I’m still learning what my skin needs because as we age, as the seasons changes, as our hormones change so does our skin! Even to this day I don’t have any products that I’m married to in my skin care routine, mask or otherwise.

So I thought I would try to provide a general guideline for what kind of mask should work best for your current skin type and as your skin changes. This may mean that you keep 2-3 masks on hand because who knows what your skin will need that day!


7 Types of Face-masks


1.Cream Masks

Cream masks can have many different ingredients and different goals. There are cream masks for brightening, hydration, blemish control, and anti-aging. But because cream masks are, you guessed it, cream based they can be pore clogging and are not great for everyone.

Recommended for: Normal to Dry Skin

Not recommended for: Oily & Acne Prone Skin



2. Sheet Masks

This type of mask is different from the others. A sheet mask is usually a serum soaked paper mask. It is designed to lie on and fit your face. These are often hydrating or antioxidant boosting mask types. After waiting the allotted time and removing the mask you’re usually instructed to massage any excess serum into your skin. Talk about moisture!

Recommended for: All Skin Types

Caution: *If you have acne prone and/or sensitive skin get sheet masks for that skin type to avoid clogging pores and fragrance irritation.



3. Clay Masks

This is for my fellow acne prone and oily guys and gals. Clay masks are meant to provide balance (with oil production) and sooth skin while also helping to draw out debris and gunk. They can also help eliminate blackheads and firm your skin. And in my experience can make my face tingle or itch (FYI).

Recommended for: Oily & Acne Prone Skin

Not recommended for: Dry to Very Dry Skin


4. Exfoliating Masks

Getting rid of dead skin cells and any other gunk is super important for your skin’s health and appearance. Exfoliating masks are different from physical exfoliations you do with gritty/beaded cleansers. This type of mask is “chemically” exfoliating your skin. Meaning the fruit enzymes, that are in most chemical exfoliation masks, help to dissolve dead skin cells so no harsh rubbing is required.

Recommended for: All Skin Types

Caution: *Sensitive Skin Types (choose less abrasive masks)



5. Gel Masks

Gel masks are new to my collection, but so far I like them! Gel masks are great for dehydrated skin. They are a very gentle mask and are absorbed quickly into the skin. Gel masks can hydrate, calm and even help firm your skin. But because they are gel based they are less likely to clog your pores.

Recommended for: All Skin Types (even Sensitive)



6. Peel- Off Masks

They say if you need an instant glow to go the peel-off mask route! It does what is says, after setting for the allotted time, you peel off the mask (carefully) and it removes the topmost layer of your skin and its gunk. They are usually plant based ingredient masks, but be careful with what mask you choose. You only want to remove the topmost layer, nothing more!

Recommended for: All Skin Types


7. Vitamin C Masks

Yes, vitamin C is good for your immune system and your skin! Vitamin C masks are great for boosting collagen production. Which in turn can help fill in fine lines and with other aging concerns. Vitamin C is also great for brightening the complexion!

Recommended for: Aging Skin



Are Face-masks worth it?

Similar to the hair mask debate, realistic expectations have to be set, there are no miracles here!

Most masks have similar ingredients to the moisturizers & serums many of us already use. But they also contain extra delivery agents that help the mask’s nutrients penetrate the skin deeper than regular moisturizing products. But that does not mean that your skin is absorbing every ingredient in the mask equally. Only the main or active ingredients will most likely be absorbed and benefitted from.

It’s all in the ingredients! Accept that your skin can only benefit from the main and active ingredients and base your decision off of that, while also keeping in mind your skin type at that time.



Bottom Line

Yes, masks are beneficial and allow extra goodness to be absorbed by your skin.

Yes, I will continue to use them. I usually stick to gel masks for moisture/collagen boosts, clay masks to draw gunk from my pores & when I have a breakout. And lastly I use sheet masks when I just want some fuss free added moisture!

If nothing else, putting a face-mask on says it’s “ME time” and everyone can benefit from more of that!




KBAs’ Pine Needle Powder Exfoliating Face-mask Recipe!

Ingredients: Equal Parts of Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Pine Needle Powder (from Pine Needle Tea bag)

Directions: Tear open 1 Pine Needle Tea bag & mix together equal parts of Olive Oil and Pine Needle powder into a non-metallic bowl. Once combined apply an even layer of the mask to entire face (avoiding eye area). Leave mask on for 10-20 minutes. Before removing the mask gently message into skin for 30-60 seconds. Then use your favorite cleanser and warm water to remove the Pine Needle Face-mask.


This Exfoliating facemask helps to improve acne, balance overall oil production and can normalize skin pigmentation.

Brightens and rejuvenates dull skin, tightens and reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles while helping to boost collagen synthesis.

Use two to three times a week to have a younger, brighter and healthier complexion!





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Valid through: Monday, March 11th






Paige Peterson

Are Hair Masks the Answer?

Am I the only one who has noticed how much cosmetic masks have blown up over the past few years? I don’t think I even heard of a hair mask until 2012 and then didn’t really start using them until 2015. But now you can go to any grocery store, department store, or clothing store to find a mask to suit your needs.

At any given time I have 1-5 face-masks on hand and 1-5 hair masks that I rotate through. I am not a regular or even weekly masker. But at least monthly I indulge in a mask or two, and especially if I have something coming up I want to look my best for. I’m curious, how much good are these masks doing?


Are masks worth it?


Let’s find out by starting at the top… of your head!



Know Your Hair

Like with any mask, selection is key! You need to know 2 things before selecting a hair mask:


  1. What are your hair issues (dry, brittle, damaged, dull etc.)?
  2. What is your hair type (thick, thin, coarse, curly, fine etc.)?



For example, I have long fine hair and a lot of it so it’s on the thicker side. In general I look for masks that are geared towards strengthening or anti–breakage. I do also benefit from moisturizing masks but many are oil based and can be too heavy for my fine hair making my hair look overly moisturized (greasy) and flat. So strengthening masks add the strength I need and the right amount of moisture without over doing it.

So if you at least know the above 2 things about your locks you should be able to read any hair mask label and figure out if it is right for your hair type and goals.


Are Masks Worth It?

From my own experience and after doing research online about hair structure, hair damage and the effectiveness of hair products and masks… I am slightly torn!

It seems to me that once your hair is damaged you can’t actually fix it. You can’t reconnect split ends or shove gobs of protein into your hair, because you can’t create new protein strands once they are gone. So if you’re hoping a mask can fix all your problems, you will be disappointed.

But I don’t think masks are a total waste, you just have to have realistic expectations. Essentially hair masks can help moisturize and nourish your hair deeper than regular conditioner, making it look and feel better. But it cannot repair your hair and make it like new, only new growth can do that!



This is a personal preference kinda thing!

The DIY mask will require you to gather ingredients and to create the mask yourself. You’re also most likely only making enough for a one-time use because most DIY masks don’t have much of a shelf life. But on the bright side if you already have all the ingredients then the cost is minimal, plus you know exactly what’s in it.

A store bought mask is extremely convenient. You can BUY a one-time-use mask or buy a larger quantity so you can always have your favorite mask on hand. But there will be chemicals and ingredients you are not familiar with and it will not be tailor-made for your hair.


Bottom line:

I’ll probably use both DIY and store bought hair masks moving forward and stick to my monthly or by-monthly uses. I still think that my hair benefits from an occasional mask even if it can’t fix everything. But I definitely won’t buy any overly expensive ones based on their exaggerated promises anymore. Hair masks don’t have to break the bank to be effective. Because above all ingredients are key, get or make what works with your hair type and you’re golden!






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Valid through: Monday, March 5th

Weights & Wrinkle Prevention!

I know that exercise takes time and obviously effort to be beneficial to your health, but exercise really does do so much more than just tone your muscles. There are many internal and external benefits to regular exercise. And today we are going to cover the many ways that exercise can actually enhance your health and even your beauty, naturally!



Improve Skin   

So, lets start with our biggest organ, the skin! As you workout your skin goes through a lot. As your temperature and heart rate rise you increase blood circulation to the skin giving you an immediate ‘flush’ or ‘glow’ afterwards. This afterglow is great for those who love instant gratification, but long-term improvements are also possible.

Now that I’m 25 covering greys and wrinkle prevention are things I will start to prioritize. Exercise is a great way to do that. Exercise supports collagen production, which helps to keep my skin firm, supple and elastic for a more youthful look.

Exercise can even help improve acne. Perspiration detoxifies your skin and even helps to cleanses your pores. But if you have acne prone skin you’ll need to wash your face immediately after working out and sweating to reap these benefits but still avoid breakouts.



Improve Hair

In order to have healthy hair you need good blood flow, and we already know that exercise if great for that. The nutrient and oxygen rich blood that circulates during workouts, and after workouts, can help stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. Exercise can also help protect your locks by reducing stress that could possibly make them brittle. Just help your hair out and avoid too much heat or elastics (like rubber bands) and your hair will be strong and beautiful!




Lose Fat

Not only will you lose excess body fat from regular exercise but also visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that you can’t see or measure. This type of fat is found around your abdominal organs and exercise helps to burn visceral fat more efficiently reducing inflammation. Regular exercise can keep your body in fat burning mode for days, and who doesn’t want that!



Improve Confidence

Last but not least, and easily the most important part, is self-confidence. You may think that all of the benefits from exercise are only on the surface, but that’s far from the truth. With the condition of your skin, hair and body improving you wont be able to help but feel the difference in your everyday life.


It’s been said that our self-worth is greatly affected by our energy level. By maintaining a regular exercise schedule your energy levels stay up which leads to a better mood for you and everyone around you.


At the end of the day there are many more reasons you need to exercise vs. reasons not to. And the best part is the amount of options that are out there. Whether you’re committed to a gym or to your garage, find what works for you. Carve out some “me time” to work up a sweat 3-4 times a week, you wont regret it!






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